Celebrate Canada NOW!

I’m celebrating Canada Day from NOW until the end of the year!

Well over 15 years ago I started performing my “abraCANADAbra” Magic Show to celebrate Canada – it primarily was available around Canada Day every year.

However now more than ever we need to honour Canada’s pride, sovereignty and magic EVERYDAY.

So I am making different versions of this interactive, fun, family magic show, that explores Canada’s unique magic, available for Fairs, Festivals, Malls, Promotions, Schools and Company and Private Parties from NOW on.

It really is an amazing show and truly Canadian!!

Contact me for more details if you are interested and please pass this on.


Continuing National Magic Week…
So how does SOMEONE BECOME A MAGICIAN – learn to do magic?
(SPOILER ALERT – you do not need to go to Kamar-Taj.)
It’s a unique interest one develops – either very young or as an adult – and they must follow through on.
My spark in magic began at age 8, like many other youngsters at that age (however the smart ones outgrow it).
Seriously though, my start was at our local Library with basic to do magic books.
I had seen a magician – decided that’s what I wanted to do – and the passionate journey began.
Advice from other magic enthusiasts and BOOKS were how I started.
The “Tarbell Course in Magic” that Dr Strange is reading was the bible back then – and it is still a great starting point.
But from books to VHS to DVD’s to downloads – the tools have evolved.
However, the start of the journey does remain the same. A desire to learn.
Do you seriously want to discover “prestidigitation”, the art of magical entertainment?
Here is my advice:
1 – The books in the Public Library are a great starting point to get a more informed idea if this is what you want to pursue.
2 – Yes there are videos on YouTube that can show you how “tricks” are done, there are good and bad and stupid ones. But they only can show you how it’s done – and there is much more involved in this.
3 – The best way is to contact a local magician or magic shop (the best in Toronto is https://browsers-den-of-magic.myshopify.com) and ASK what Magic Clubs are in the area and how to learn. We truly are very helpful to those that seriously want to learn.
There is also the IBM (not computers) – the International Brotherhood of Magicians – who can provide more info and directions to local clubs (or Rings as we call them).
If you are in the Hamilton Ontario Canada area, my local club, the IBM Ring 49 Hamilton Ontario – Doug Henning Magic Wand Club – is: https://www.facebook.com/groups/167311616797314
Please keep in mind, many different people are magicians for different reasons:
TV’s Johnny Carson – Steve Martin – Woody Allen – all started as professional magicians before they evolved.
Hollywood elite like Cary Grant (who also a very serious executive member of the famous Magic Castle in Hollywood) – Jackie Gleason – Dick Van Dyke – Fred Astaire – found it a relaxing hobby.
Even boxing elite’s Muhmmad Ali started later in life to improve his reflexes and his mind.
Plus, many, many more of today’s personalities – Neal Patrick Harris, Adrien Brody, Arsenio Hall, Jason Alexander, Prince Charles (now King Charles III) and Peter Scolari are secret magicians.
And in our local club we have professional, semi-professionals and keen amateurs that all learn and enjoy the experience “presenting and appreciating the art of magic.”
So, if you have a real interest in becoming part of the magical entertainment community, please just reach out – the magic is just waiting to be discovered!

Labour Day Magic!

Happy Labour Day!
Labour Day is a very special time for me. I was born on Labour Day.
And this Labour Day in 2022 is again my actual birthday.
But the real magic for me was watching the Jerry Lewis Labour Day telethon on TV.
It started I 1954 and went until 2011 – with its highlight years for me being the 1970’s and 1980’s.
It was during those Golden years that all the greatest and best stars in the entertainment industry appeared live on this show, which ran for well over 20 hours!
And being an up and comer in Showbiz, well it was pure magic to see this.
In fact, many years later I got to work on the Canadian segment of this show a few times – even magically producing the show’s host Canadian skating star “Kurt Browning” one year.
However, the most magical moment for me was in 1976 when Frank Sinatra brought Dean Martin on the show to reunite with his old partner Jerry Lewis after many, many years. (If your younger – look them up).
It was live – very special, very magical – and something I will never forget.
Happy Labour Day everyone and best magical wishes for the days ahead!

Very Magical Women!!

Today on May 8th, International Women’s Day, I would like to play homage to two very special ladies.  On June 16, 1816, Mary Shelley invented Science Fiction when she wrote “Frankenstein”.

About 150 years later Lucille Ball championed a script nobody wanted, paid for the
pilot and fought the money people back enough for “Star Trek” to get made. (She also had a hand
in “Westinghouse Desilou Playhouse” which gaveRod Serling the big break he needed to get “The
Twilight Zone” produced.)

The mother of science fiction, and the godmotherof modern science fiction, thank you for helping create the stuff that dreams are made of!


Had the pleasure of kicking off my “REAL MAGIC – Simple Effective Solutions To Complicated Problems” VIRTUAL LECTURE for magicians Monday night.

Great audience at the International Brotherhood Of Magicians Ring 12 in Buffalo NY.

Looking forward to presenting to Ring 49 in Hamilton, Ontario next month.

PS:  My hair is not blue – it’s just the shot!

A Magical Treat For You…

Would you like to do something special for Family Day or Valentine’s Day, or that time in between?
Something that could involve your whole family, that someone special, or your business associates and their families?
And do so regardless of their physical location?
This special “live” virtual show may just be the answer.
My name is Rick Rossini and in the last year I have put together hundreds of virtual “interactive” magic shows for corporate, social and family audiences all over the world.
This year from February 10th through to the 21st, I am offering a special virtual zoom show that will be customized for your audience – at a very reasonable cost.
There are different complete packages that can make for a one-of-a-kind family get together, corporate team building, appreciation or special event, or a unique romantic evening.
To celebrate love, family, or just have a fun, unique time – email [email protected]

A Special Magic!

Thanks so much for the special magic you shared.

“You can always tell about somebody by the way they put their hands on an animal.” -Betty White

An absolutely devoted life-long lover and advocate for animals—with a special place in her heart especially for dogs—Ms. White will most certainly be met with a lot of hugs and licks at the Rainbow Bridge.

Good Night Betty And God Bless!

When In Toronto…

This being National Magic week I wanted to continue with my favorite Magical Places in the World.

The next one is The Browser’s Den of Magic.

It is a Magic Shop located in Toronto.

Now there are Magic Shops all over the world (and I have been to many of them), but this brick-and-mortar world of wonder has been around since 1975 and is home to professional magicians and beginners alike – and it is right in my backyard.

Also, it is run by one of the nicest and most generous guys in magic – Jeff Pinsky.

If you have not been there, please check it out – you never know who you will run into.

A Magical Place…

This being National Magic week I wanted to share my 3 favorite Magical Places in the World.

The first is the Hamilton Public Library Kenilworth Branch.

This is where at the young age of 8 I studied every book on magic they had – over and over and over again.

Some of my favorite’s were by Joseph Leeming.

It was such a special time for me.

Libraries are such a Magical Place!!


Muppet Show Metamorphosis Appearance in Full – THE DOUG HENNING PROJECT

Always try to be unique – case in point Canada’s own Doug Henning. 

A master magician for the performer and  great piece of History for the entertainment world.  Just google him.

Above is a clip of him on The Muppet Show in 1980.  It really is amazing and pure DH.

Doug was from a different, simpler time but a master at marketing, MAGIC and standing out, which holds true even to this day.

Doug was many years older than me and inspired me, a fellow Canadian (we are both McMaster Univeristy grads as were Martin Short, Eugene Levy and Ivan Reitman – who got Doug his first big break that led to The Magic Show).

And all these mentioned entertainment giants did something very special, they created memories and changed the way we feel in a positive way. 

It’s simple, “do what you love and love what you do”, who knows what MAGIC you can create!