
How to make our own Future a great one!!
If you have ever seen the sci-fi action, movie trilogy “Back to the Future”you know that today is a very special day.

Today, October 21st, 2015, is the exact date the movie’s main characters Doc Brown (Christopher Lloyd) and Marty McFly (Michael J Fox) traveled into the future to (from the 1985). And what a ride it was!

So how does our real future compare with the movie’s image of the technological advancements supposedly made?

Well some ideas are bang on: 3D movies, giant flat screen TV’s, video/computer glasses, finger print security technology, video calling, hover boards and flying cars (primitive, but they do exist), and cars using alternative fuel sources.

Some not so; home food re hydration machines, nuclear fusion powering for cars and house hold appliances, time travel, self-tying sneakers (although Nike says they are very close and the first pair promise to Michael J Fox), the prevalence of fax machines, self-drying clothes, anti-gravity boots, and the legal banishment of all lawyers (darn).

They also totally missed the mention of the internet. No one saw that coming.

But still it is kind of neat to be in the supposed future that was imagined back then.

And if you really think about it, many of the future inventions that have been realized are really the creative extensions of what existed back then taken to a whole new level. You just have to be open to the possibility that “anything is possible” and can be achieved.

So how can we do this in our own lives to create our own future?

It is a process I call The Magician’s Magic Formula, and exactly what every professional magician from Houdini to David Copperfield have used for turning something imagined into reality.

The first rule that every magician is taught is that, “nothing is impossible”! There is no trick, illusion or piece of magic that cannot be created. What the mind can conceive and believe can be achieved. Such is the same with life and our goals in creating our future.

If you can imagine it, it can happen. It is only a matter of time, effort and constant determination.

Real magic is nothing more than coming up with simple effective solutions to complicated problems and doing something about them. The trick here is to take the first step and make a passionate, radical commitment to what may seem to be an impossible future or goal. Then just follow through. Constant action!

Your passion in wanting the attainment transforms your goal into a“sacred, magical quest” that can inspire yourself and others to provide you with the answers and resources you need. And remember, your passion is the key!

The second rule on how to making your magic happen is “the vision” of what you want to achieve. This is critical!

To create a magical illusion for the stage, like say floating a person in thin air, the magician visualizes how everything (the action, sound, lights and choreography) will look and feel to the audience and then works backwards. They put together step by step the elements that are necessary to make this magic happen and then do it.

It’s like the artist who chips away the parts of the block of marble that are not in their vision – what remains is “the vision” they had originally imagined.

The trick here is to make the vision as detailed as possible. The more detailed the vision, the easier it is to create the steps to get there.

Do you have a detailed vision of what you want to achieve and how to get there – or what it will look like?

And here lies the real trick – the real magic secret to making our dreams come true and the future WE want to create.

We have to really want it. We have to be prepared to do what it takes to make our own magic happen.

Knowing what it is you want, figuring out a way to get it, and staying with it to turn our dreams into a reality.

Are you up to challenge?

Remember Real Magic is nothing more than coming up with simple, effective solutions to complicated problems, and then doing something about it!

Or as Doc Brown would say, “Your future is whatever you make it, so make it a good one.”

PS: See Doc Brown himself make this happen at

PPS: Go Cubs Go!!



They all laughed when I said I wanted to learn how to lap swim, until I jumped into the pool!

This week marks two and half years since I decided I wanted to lap swim to get into better shape.  How hard can it be, I thought.  So I went down to our city pool, and as they say, dove right in.

Well I could barely make one pool length (25 meters).  The second length really put me out of breath.  I was wiped, but did not give up.

For the next six months I went 5 times week and slowly built up some endurance. Swims were usually around 30 minutes.  Now I was up to 200 meters, but it was still very hard.

Then I got some good advice on technique and just kept at it.  Swimming 4 to 5 times a week (usually first thing in the morning or during lunch) each time going just a little farther, a little stronger and a little faster.

For over the last year now I usually go 3 to 4 mornings a week and do what is called 40 over 50.  That is 40 lengths (1000 meters) in fifty minutes.  That’s how I start my day.  Am I bragging – darn right!  I am proud of my accomplishment.

Am I the fastest fish in the pond?  No way, but I am doing what I want to do and keep improving.  I always keep in mind the saying “what would you do if you knew you could not fail!”

Real Magic is nothing more than coming up with simple effective solutions to complicated problems and doing something about it!

Here’s to making all our magic happen!



The Real Inside Secret Of The Rabbit From A Hat Trick And How We Can Use It In Our Life And Business!

Quite often the actual history of the “art of magic” is more deceptive than the illusions it creates. A perfect example of this is the “rabbit out of a hat trick”.

This particular illusion is probably the one most thought of illusion when talking about a magician’s tricks. And yet how many of us have actually seen this trick performed?

I have been in the magic business most of my life and can only recall seeing this done maybe once or twice. However even more bizarre is this trick’s “origin” and the power in the real life lessons it teaches.

It all begins in merry old England with this recorded tale.

“Some time in the late summer of 1726, Mary Toft, the wife of a charcoal burner living near Guildford, one day returned home to pour out to her husband Joshua, a distressing story that whilst coming through the forest she had been assaulted by a huge white rabbit. Some time later, following the development of the usual symptoms, the local physician Dr. Howard attended her and later certified the delivery of a number of white rabbits.

Not unnaturally, her notoriety spread far and wide and it was even rumored that the King, George II was considering the question of a pension for her. So gullible were the people of this time that it needed little else but audacity to trick one’s way into fame and wealth.

Possibly in an endeavor to hasten the decision on a Royal Bounty, Mary announced a further event of a similar nature. Sir Richard Maningham, Physician to the Court, was not at all happy with the situation and had the lady conveyed to London and placed under the strictest supervision. Eventually, Mary Toft was brought before the Courts on trial, charged as a common cheat. Evidence was produced that the girl in question had attempted to bribe attendants to smuggle to her the rodent animal.

A confession was obtained from the prisoner but there appears to be no record as to the method by which the woman duped both the attendant midwife and then the local practitioner.

At the time, a magician in the City whose name unfortunately is not recorded advertised in the Broadsheets that at his entertainment the following day he would produce his latest illusion, “The Birth of a Rabbit”. The announcement brought him a packed house.

In the course of the program, the performer borrowed from a spectator a tall hat, then much favored by fashionable people and, having shown it empty, produced alive and kicking, a large white rabbit. The effect was an instant success and as is so often the case, was immediately copied by other conjurers.

From that moment, right down to the present time, magicians have been producing bunnies from hats.”

Source – Will Ayling – Author, Magician and MIMC.

I love this story, not only because of (if you pardon the pun) the tale itself, but also because of the three important lessons it teaches about being successful in life and business.

Lesson number one – “learn to see normal things in unusual ways”!

If you want to come up with creative, simple solutions to complicated problems develop a knack to see life and things in a completely new way.

Obviously Mary Toft’s story is a great example of this, but so is the use of the Top Hat! Our magician did not use a “magic box” on a dimly lighted stage to create the bunny.

Instead he borrowed a gentleman’s top hat, which was the common fashion at the time, to make the magic happen. The use of a “regular, every day hat” to produce magic of this type was unheard of back then. The end result was an iconic creation of a magic trick that has endured for hundred of years. Mike Yurosek also knew this secret. Mike Yurosek?

Mike is the “think outside of the carrot patch” carrot farmer that created the packaged “baby carrots” that we now all enjoy. Tired of seeing regular carrots tossed out because they were twisted, bent or broken, he created a way to repackage them into the perfect 2-inch minis that have taken off as THE nutritious snack. Just like our magician, Mike learned to see normal things in an unusual way. How can you use this in what you do?

Lesson number two – “learn to ask the question how can I make this work for me?”

Our magician took Mary Toft’s unique story, and publicity it was generating, and made it work to his benefit. His advertisement of the new illusion “The Birth Of A Rabbit” drew people’s interest and created packed houses all because he asked “how can I make this work for me”? Bill Gates also knew this secret.

Having Bill look at Apple Computer’s, people friendly, operating system and asking how can I make this work for me created much of Microsoft’s initial success. He created Windows for PC’s and the rest was history. What can you create by asking this question?

And finally lesson number three – “emotion sells!”

In life EVERYONE buys with emotion and justifies with logic. This applies to buying goods, services, and into ideas and beliefs. In order to entice people and get them to take action you have to appeal to their emotions. Our magician understood that the public was emotionally charged with Mary Toft’s story, and so by appealing to their curiosity and interest he got them to buy a ticket to his show. Mother Teresa also knew this secret.

Throughout her life Mother Teresa was a tireless advocate for the poor and helpless, who was able to use the power of emotion to inspire many others to aid her cause. Countries, politicians and people around the world were sincerely touched, and moved to take action. What can you achieve by touching people’s emotions?

There you have it, three simple actions that were understood by three simple people – a carrot farmer, a computer guy, and a simple nun – and produced “magical results”!

Yes these “ordinary” people were able to influence our entire culture in ways that have touched all our lives. So how can you use this magic in what you do?

Only you can answer that question. But you can achieve remarkable things for you business, your life and the lives of others. It all starts by asking some magical questions and taking action.

Have a vision.
Start seeing normal things in unusual ways.
Ask the question how can I make this work for me?
Remember emotion sells!
Go for it and never give up.

And soon you will be doing more than pulling a rabbit out of the hat. You will be making your own real magic happen!

Remember Real Magic can happen only when people believe in themselves and are passionate about making a difference in their own life and the lives of others! Have focus! Be passionate about what you do! Create your own Real Magic!!

PS: I have to go now. I am practicing this great new trick with our bunny “Chocolate” and an iPod!


Helping To Celebrate A 65 Year Old Magical Spirit!

On Sunday, July 21st, 2013, I had the great honour of performing a special magic show at Honest Ed’s 65th Birthday Party!  And what a Party it was.

David Mirvish (Ed’s son and now the Mirvish impresario) welcomed the crowd which included police chief Bill Blair, local politicians and dignitaries, and hundreds of customers; all of who were treated to free hot dogs, cake, live entertainment, theatre tickets (courtesy of the Mirvish theatre empire) and other giveaways, and bargains, bargains, and more bargains.

For those of you not it the know, Honest Ed’s is a landmark, “truly one-of-a-kind”, discount store located in midtown Toronto that sells everything from twine to wine in a most unusual way. It is named for its creator and proprietor, Ed Mirvish, who opened the store in 1948 and oversaw its operations until his death in 2007.

Prominently located on the corner of Bloor and Bathurst Streets Honest Ed’s runs the whole length of the block and looks more like an old time theatre than a store. The exterior is covered with huge red and yellow signs advertising the name of the store, lit up like a theatre marquee with over 23,000 light bulbs used.   But the “electricity” does not stop there.

The interior is over 160,000 square feet of thousands of bargain priced items ranging from house wares to clothes to grocery items, and a whole lot of fun!

You see amidst the regular merchandise are the store’s unique decor consisting of posters and photos from old films, stage productions (many from Mirvish’s theatre productions – Les Miserables, Miss Saigon, Disney’s The Lion King, Mamma Mia, etc) as well as of actors and musicians who performed in them.

Plus the walls are crammed with autographed pictures of show business personalities such as Frank Sinatra, Liberace, Lauren Bacall, Jimmy Durante, Celine Dion and countless others (many personally dedicated to Ed Mirvish himself).

For lovers of unusual memorabilia and collectible antiques there are also many unique historical items, which once were part of Ed’s former World Famous Restaurant and Market Museum, that are for viewing and for sale.

And every piece of store signage, inside and out, is hand-painted with puns and slogans such as “How cheap can a guy get? Come in and find out.”, “Only the floors are crooked”, and “Welcome, don’t faint at our low prices, there’s no place to lie down!”

Bottom line – Honest Ed’s is an extremely magical store that is not only a unique selling environment, but a “one-of-a-kind”, live, entertainment experience.  And here lies the real magic!  This is the magic of Ed Mirvish.

The magic started in 1948 for Ed after years of smaller, unsuccessful, entrepreneurial ventures and then working his way up in the grocery business.  With the help of cashing in his wife’s $212 insurance policy, his unique business sense of what the customer really wanted, creativity and imagination, and his “never give up” attitude, Honest Ed’s was born.

Originally stocked with all kinds of odd merchandise purchased at bankruptcy and fire sales and displayed on orange crates, this unique no-credit, no-service, no-frills business was an immediate success. Honest Ed’s (billing itself as the world’s biggest discount department store) gradually expanded to fill an entire city block and it was soon bringing in millions of dollars a year!

The business kept expanding and the rest, as they say is history – an artist’s village, restaurants, theatres, and a magical legacy of giving the customer what they want AND always giving back to the community.

Now I could go on to write an entire book on Mr. Mirvish’s ideas, deeds and accomplishment, but no need to, as Ed has written a couple of great ones himself (

But what I would like to say is that Ed Mirvish, and Honest Ed’s is a great reminder that if you really pay attention to what the customer wants and needs, give it to them in a fun and honest way, and really strive to make your customer into a valued member of your family, you will succeed.

You will have changed someone’s life in a positive way and created a life long memory.   You will have made magic happen!

Happy Birthday Honest Ed’s!

PS:  Honest Ed’s Company Motto – “The nicest people in the world pass through our doors: our customers.”

PPS:   Honest Ed’s and the Mirvish Empire are not overnight sensations or the result of simply throwing money at something to make it happen.  It is careful planning, observation and constant action (and a whole lot of elbow grease).  Remember Ed only started with $212 and a dream.  What can you do?


Understanding how the “making the impossible, possible”philosophy really works, and how YOU can use this magic.

My 16 year old daughter Jacqueline just took me on a surprise, magical date night and it was great – relaxed conversation, dinner and a movie.   But it was not just any movie.

It was a movie about magicians called “Now You See Me with Jesse Eisenberg, Mark Ruffalo, Isla Fisher, Woody Harrelson, Mélanie Laurent, Morgan Freeman, and Michael Caine, just to name a few.

It’s about how an FBI agent and an Interpol detective track a team of magicians/illusionists who publicly pull off bank heists during their performances and reward their audiences with the money.  I know it sounds a little far fetched.

But we loved it; the critics maybe not as much.  Neat plot, lots of action and surprises, sort of like Mission Impossible meets David Copperfield.  To us it was much more than that.

This movie was a very “cool reminder” of how the goals we work at, even though they may seem impossible, are very possible – and attainable.

Please understand I have been doing the impossible, in the entertainment business with the art of magic, for over 30 years.  My daughter has been performing in this family business ever since she was 6 years old.

However, Jacqueline has also excelled at school AND is a nationally competitive synchronized swimmer.  And from someone who as a baby did not like being water.

The bottom line is that whether you are an athlete, student/teacher, business person or any person with a goal in mind – we can all benefit by appreciating the “magician’s rules” in doing the impossible (as was extraordinarily demonstrated in the movie).

The first rule that every magician is taught is that, “nothing is impossible”! There is no trick, illusion or piece of magic that cannot be created. What the mind can conceive and believe can be achieved. Such is the same with life and our goals.

If you can imagine it, it can happen. It is only a matter of time, effort and constant determination.

Real magic is nothing more than coming up with simple effective solutions to complicated problems and doing something about them. The trick here is to take the first step and make a passionate, radical commitment to what may seem to be an impossible future or goal. Then just follow through.  Constant action!

Your passion in wanting the attainment transforms your goal into a “sacred, magical quest” that can inspire yourself and others to provide you with the answers and resources you need. And remember, your passion is the key!

The second rule on how to making your magic happen is “the vision” of what you want to achieve.  This is critical!

To create a magical illusion for the stage, like say floating a person in thin air, the magician visualizes how everything (the action, sound, lights and choreography) will look and feel to the audience and then works backwards. They put together step by step the elements that are necessary to make this magic happen and then do it.

It’s like the artist who chips away the parts of the block of marble that are not in their vision – what remains is “the vision” they had originally imagined.

The trick here is to make the vision as detailed as possible. The more detailed the vision, the easier it is to create the steps to get there.

Do you have a detailed vision of what you want to achieve and how to get there – or what it will look like?

And here lies the real trick – the real magic secret to making our dreams come true.

We have to really want it.  We have to be prepared to do what it takes to make our own magic happen.

Knowing what it is you want, figuring out a way to get it, and staying with it to turn our dreams into a reality.

Are you up to challenge?

Remember Real Magic is nothing more than coming up with simple, effective solutions to complicated problems, and then doing something about it!

But Real Magic can happen only when people believe in themselves and are passionate about making a difference in their own life and the lives of others! Have focus! Be passionate about what you do! Create your own real magic!

PS:  My program THINK LIKE A MAGICIAN – How to create a “making the impossible, possible” FOCUS shows students orbusinesses exactly how to do this.


Keeping Our Passion Alive!

I am often asked why I do what I do.

To be honest the vocation of a “magician” in not typical, nor is it easy. And sometimes I wonder myself, why I do what I do. (Especially after all these 30 plus years doing this:)

I am sure you also, from time to time, wonder about the different elements that drive you in your life.

Are you making a difference? Will what you do be remembered?  Will what you do be passed down?

There is no “magic trick” employed here. But there is a magic word. The word is “passion”.

Passion is ultimately what drives us and what keeps us alive. But more than that, it can make us immortal as our legacy and memory are passed on.

But sometimes we need to be reminded of that.

That we are making a difference!

The following short film is an excellent reminder of the difference we can all make.

It is called “The Magic Box” and it is by R. Paul Wilson. It takes five minutes to watch, but it is time well spent.


MY TWO CENTS (at least before February 4th)

The Day Canada lost a little piece of its Magic!

On Monday, February 4, 2013 the Royal Canadian Mint officially stopped circulation of our Canadian Penny.  And although the Mint had actually stopped production of the coin earlier in 2012, this past Monday will forever remain in my heart, and in the heart of many Canadians as “the day the Penny died.”

From now on actual cash purchases will be rounded out to the nearest 0 – nickel – or dime, and retail stores will not have to accept our Penny at all.  Meanwhile the Mint will be doing its best to take the estimated 6 billion coins out of circulation; a momentous task that could take up to 4 years.

Now I understand the logic behind it, I really do; by not producing a 1 cent coin that costs 1.6 cents to make, we will save 11 million dollars per year.  But is it truly worth it?

Canadian icon Joni Mitchell’s’ song “Big Yellow Taxi” comes to mind with the lyrics,

“Don’t it always seem to go – That you don’t know what you’ve got – Till it’s gone’

They paved paradise – And put up a parking lot.”

To many of us our Penny, complete with its beautiful bronze maple leaf, is a constant reminder of being Canadian.  It’s something we always have laying around on desks, in drawers and jars, and constantly gets in the way until we really need it.  It offers a sense of history, familiarity and sharing (take a penny – leave a penny).

If I seem a tad overly sentimental it is for good reason.  A magical reason.

As one who started studying the art of magic at the tender age of 8 (I wasted my first seven years) the precious Penny is one of the first props I learned my skills with.

Along with a very worn deck of cards I spent hours practicing making these coins appear, disappear, multiply and even transform into nickels and dimes (I couldn’t afford quarters in those days).

Where ever I went I always made sure I had my magical Pennies with me if ever I was asked to perform.  To me they were magic!

And now they will be gone, as will a little piece of Canadian and magical history.

That is sad.

“Don’t it always seem to go – That you don’t know what you’ve got – Till it’s gone’

They paved paradise – And put up a parking lot.”

Well life does go on and things must change.  But no matter what happens to our Penny I will still hold it in high esteem in my memory and my heart (and in jars on my desk).  And that after all that is where real magic does happen.

PS:  Well at least there not messing with our $20 bills!

PPS:  To get an idea of what some people are doing to commemorate the Penny check this out


An important observation on Social Media Magic!

It was the world famous magician /escape artist / promoter extraordinaire Harry Houdini who is credited with saying, “It doesn’t matter what they say about you, as long as they spell your name right!”  His comments were in regard to what newspapers wrote about him and in getting publicity overall.

And Houdini knew quite a bit about publicity and REAL WORLD marketing.

Harry Houdini was born in 1874 in Budapest, Hungary and died on Halloween 1926 in Detroit, Michigan.  The vast majority of today’s populations have never even seen him perform.  Yet major motion pictures, Broadway musicals and countless shows, stories and television programs have featured this larger than life personality.  More people today know about Harry Houdini than ever before.

How is this possible?

The answer is that Houdini was much more than a performer extraordinaire.  Harry Houdini achieved his success and fame by being a “True Master of Media” and how to keep up with the world, its progress and more importantly how to benefit from it. (Just google Houdini to learn more about him and his exploits).

Had Houdini been working in today’s “internet” environment I believe he would have thrived even more so.  But he might have done a few things a little differently.

For one, I know he would have definitely re-thought his “it doesn’t matter what they say about you” as he truly learned to appreciate the power of social media.  More importantly he would have sought out ways to make social media work for him (like him), his larger than life image and his death defying stunts!

So what about me?  Have I made social media magic happen?

Have I kept abreast of my ever changing social media landscaping, and how to make it work for me?  Have I really focused on “what people say about me and my business, and their take away experience?”

Now more than ever we are instantly interconnected with the entire world, and as such people’s experiences (good and bad) can be shared like never before.  To the one who really learns to use this interconnectivity, real magic can happen.

To get a sense of just where we are in the world today please have a look at…

(If the link does not work just paste this into your browser.)

It’s a very fast moving 4 minute video, by social media guru Erik Qualman, that puts social media’s impact on the world into perspective.

It is very real, very powerful and should be seen by everyone!

So take a few moments to look at this video and then I dare you not to dream about how all of this can impact you and what you do.  It can help you make your own Real Magic happen if you “open your mind”and are prepared to do something about it!

Remember Real Magic is nothing more than coming up with simple, effective solutions to complicated problems, and then doing something about it!

But Real Magic can happen only when people believe in themselves and are passionate about making a difference in their own life and the lives of others! Have focus! Be passionate about what you do! Create your own real magic!

PS: Just by writing a quick blog about this and tapping into the video’s link I have already created a social media experience.  What can you do?


The Secret Of Immortality In Life And In Business.

The other day we were moving some boxes and came across one of our daughter’s creative writing notebooks.  A particular story of hers (written when she was 9 year old) really grabbed my attention. It’s called·

My Dog Houdini by Jacqueline Rossini

“Houdini is 10 years old. He is always 1 or 2 years older than me. He is a Lhaso Apso. His birthday is June 14th. He was born in 1995. He is a guard dog. He hates the fire alarm. He is very protective. He was named after the world famous magician Harry Houdini. He loves to sing the alphabet song with us. He loves cheese, pizza crust, chicken, tissues, Chocolate’s (our rabbit) pellets and many other things. I love my dog. When he dies I want another dog just like him.”

I think we can all relate to a story like this. We all have special memories of loved ones, family, friends and special occasions.

And depending on the impact of the person, pet or event on our lives, the emotion can create a magical memory within. We can remember “things” and even re-experience “senses” in such detail, it is almost as if it were real again.

Yes I think we can all agree, a memory can be a very magical thing. So I have one question to ask.

How would you like others to remember you?

I like Stephen Covey’s analogy in his book “The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People”. Imagine that it is a funeral ” your funeral ” what would you like the Eulogy to remind others about you and your life? What kind of memories would you like others to have of what you did?

Have you given some thought to this, and if you have are you taking consistent actions to make this memory a reality?

If you are anything like me, and many others, life can become very, very busy with day-to-day events. As a result the really important things we would like to do, and the impressions that we would like to create, can take a backseat. And this does not just apply to our personal life.

It also applies to our work. What do we want our customers, clients or those we are to influence remember about us? What kind of memory do we want them to take away and are we succeeding in creating that memory?

If you are not as successful in establishing the type of memory you want to create, there is only one answer.

Awareness. Yes it’s that simple. And it’s that difficult.

To succeed in establishing your memory you have to be “aware” of what you want that memory to be, and then your have to be “aware” of taking actions to create that impression.

It’s like creating a magic trick. You have to first be aware of what you want the audience to see, and then you have to work backwards in putting the necessary effort, time and practice into turning the illusion into a reality.

Take a look at your life and what you want to be remembered for. Take a look at your career and your business; do others see it for what you would like it to be? If not why give some thought as to what you can do to make your memory into a reality. Ad then do it. Make your own real magic happen.

Real Magic is nothing more than coming up with simple, effective solutions to complicated problems, and then doing something about it! But Real Magic can happen only when people believe in themselves and are passionate about making a difference in their own life and the lives of others! Have focus! Be passionate about what you do! Create your own real magic!

PS: Why not take 5 minutes right now and give some thought to what you want your memory to be?


Real Magic Can Happen When You Least Expect It!

It was a typical first Saturday of December in Toronto. The air was cold and brisk, and I was overworked, stressed out, cold, cranky, and very, very tired. It was all from the almost impossible schedule of performances and appearances that fate had dealt me. However, the event that was about to transpire in the next thirty minutes would miraculously change all that.

Yes, this magical event would turn a typical Saturday morning into an unforgettable, emotional memory that would quite probably last a lifetime.

Every year during the Christmas Season, once many of my regular presentations are booked, I look for ways to use my magic to help others less fortunate. It could be performing close up magic at a hospital, performing at a charity Christmas Party, or making Santa magically appear at a special event. The possibilities are endless.

And while every year I try to help as many worthy causes as possible, it is never as many as I would like it to be. Also due to the nature of my work, sometimes these plans need to be somewhat shifted at the last minute. Such was the unpleasant case this Saturday morning, or at least so I thought.

I had made arrangements to help the Rotary Club with their annual Christmas Party in support for some Easter Seal’s families. It was not an overly complicated production on my end, simply providing some close up walk about magic (something I still love to do on occasion) for an hour or so. However a change in a prior pre-scheduled event had suddenly changed my timing for their event. And as earnestly as I had tried to find a last minute replacement, it was just not possible.

My Rotarian friend who had gotten me involved told me it really was not a problem; many events had been scheduled. However I still felt bad.

Somehow, I thought to myself, if I hurried at the other function and traffic was on my side; I might at least be able to do twenty minutes or so of magic for the early bird arrivals. So I crossed my fingers, said a silent prayer and rushed.

That morning I must had been blessed. I made it just in time to both my own, and my Rotary friend’s, surprise. And as the guests arrived, with one of my eyes carefully fixed on my watch, I was able to perform for many who were starting to arrive. Together we had a great time of magic, fun and surprises. That was until I met him.

He was about ten or so years old and sitting quietly in his wheel chair, surrounded by his family and friends. He was looking around at all the goings on, in what seemed to be, an eager anticipation of how he might get involved. Together we were about to change all that.

I approached him smiling and starting into a magical routine; having a small red ball appear from his ear, vanish, and then come out of his sleeve. His eyes widened brightly and a great smile appeared on his face.

Yes the sleight of hand worked its magic as it got him involved in the fun. But this in no way prepared me for the magic that was about to follow.

Finally I asked him his name. His mother replied that he did not speak. However I can tell you that even without the use of words, his eyes, his smile and his spirit communicated so much more. So together we spent a few more minutes making magic happen.

When the time was right, I wished him a Merry Christmas and prepared to move on; but he suddenly motioned for me to move in closer. I accommodated him, thinking he wanted me to repeat my performance. However what he did was quite different.

My new friend reached out, threw his arms around me and hugged me tightly; giving me an incredible “thank you” that I could feel in my very soul. He hugged me so tightly and yet so tenderly it brought a tear to both his mother’s and my own eyes. It was an indescribable moment of “real magic”.

He eventually did let go and I again, misty eyed, wished him a most Merry Christmas. However the magic of his heart and soul has stayed with me even to this day.

And to think this magic may not have occurred unless somehow we had come together at that precise moment. Yes sometimes God and fate work in very mysterious ways.

This is the real magic of Christmas; the caring, the sharing, and the taking of time for others that truly matter.

My Christmas wish for you is that you too will get the opportunity to share this magical spirit with those you care about. And to be thankful of how blessed our lives are in comparison to many.

P. S. From my family to yours Merry Christmas!