
Are you looking for some special MAGIC?

LIVE – In Person, Virtual & Hybrid!

“Then you have definitely come to the right place!”

My name is Rick Rossini and I make “special” MAGIC happen  — for YOUR “specific” NEEDS!

I am a unique combination of entertainer, “edu-tainer” & motivator who for over 30 years has helped people, companies, and organizations, just like you, accomplish these goals and much, much more!

Rick Rossini Makes Magic Happen!

I provide custom created entertainment & promotional solutions that offer PROVEN results for…

Feel free to browse my site & learn more about how I might be able to help you.  To begin just click on About

If this is you first time working with a “magic theme or event” then click here to get an overview of what is available, what can be done, & some behind the scenes tricks and tips.

For FREE event resource items, my “making magic happen in our life & business” articles, insights and special reports go to Articles/Resources.

To see some of my magic, keynotes & special presentations first hand check out  Audio/Video Clips.

I am your specialized, full service, magic focused resource.  If you have any questions at all, need a recommendation, or practical advice please feel free to contact me.

Rick Rossini
The Magical Motivator

To understand a little more about what I do & if I really might be able to help you please go to About.